
Monday, 12 September 2016

The Peace Child Matinee- The sotogies+wanakeekee's

TODAY IS THE DAY OF MAY ROAD"S PRODUCTION!! Today May road is performing  for our parents or other  people. There are two tribes that shared the same part of the country and the name was Mambica. One of the tribes was named sotogies and they were stronge and the other tribe was called Wanawanakeekee's.

The two tribes hated each other!

Today I have a speaking part and i am really nervous!

Here are some photo's of us getting ready :
Theses people are the Wanawanakeekee's!

These guys are the  sotogies and the girl that's in the second row and the last girl that's me!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello Jordyn it's Christina I like your writing and your photos but you should add a little bit more detail to your caption.

  3. Hello Christina , Thank you for your comment about my blog. Make sure you put more detail in your comment . I will put more detailin all my other blog . Thank you

  4. Hi Jordan,
    I really like your post about The Yankees and sotongiees. Maybe you should post more blog post. please do.
    By 'Akosita.

  5. Hi jordyn it's me Wynta and i like your post. I love your post because you are cool . I LOVE YOUR POST

  6. Thank you Wynta,
    For commenting on my blog.What was your Fav part?

    Kind regards Jordyn
